Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The rewards of volunteering. By Kate Brennan

Summer is approaching and camps and vacations are being planned. Volunteering can be a great addition. There are many local, national and even international ways to volunteer. Volunteering is a great way to help out struggling nonprofits, teach values and save money. Volunteering can be as elaborate or as intimate as you want it to be. It can be scaled to meet the needs of an older adolescent or a small child. Below are some ideas to make summer a fun and deeply rewarding experience.

Small children can hold a lemonade stand to raise awareness for their favorite charity. One I love is Ryan's well. Ryan started collecting change when he was 6 years old. He sent the money he collected to Africa to help build a well at a school. 10 years later, Ryan has just finished building his 500th well! There is a documentary about him that you can show your children to inspire them.

A personal favorite is Children of Uganda. This organization provides education to orphaned and impovershed children.

A family may decide that they want to spend a week of vacation helping others. For older children a family volunteering project with Habitat for Humanity could be just the thing.

Locally, Marin Humane Society has summer volunteer internships for students. They fill up fast!

Volunteering to help a neighbor can be a great way to gets kids involved and out of the summer doldrums. Make a meal for a neighbor in need. Paint a fence or weed a garden for an elderly neighbor. Be creative and have fun.

Volunteering teaches lessons and creates deep memories that last a life time.