Monday, April 23, 2012

Parent Science 101 - Part One "Connecting"

Julianne Idleman, Hand in Hand Program Director
Connection is essential to raise healthy, capable, successful children. But don't take my word for it. There is lots of fascinating science on the subject that makes surprisingly good reading.

For example, Dr. Daniel Siegel of the UCLA School of Medicine, said in a 2001 article,"the infant is born into the world genetically programmed to connect with caregivers". According to Siegel's research, children who experience a strong attachment early in life do better as they grow up. "Longitudinal studies have found that securely attached children appear to have a number of positive outcomes in their development. These include enhanced emotional flexibility, social functioning and cognitive abilities."
Developing a close connection with a child doesn't just encourage the child to develop skills but actually programs the brain to use what it learns well. Siegel, in further research, tells us, "In fact, experience shapes brain structure. How we treat our children changes who they are and how they develop. Their brains need parental involvement.  Nature needs nurture." (Siegel, 2004; p. 34).
The deep breath you took instead of yelling at the teenager who's pushing all your buttons just allowed them a moment to practice regulating their own emotional states. What you do to promote connection, even the very small things, matters.
The Education Training Research Associates, (ETR) with funding from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, conducted a literature review on the effects of parents developing a secure connection with their children early in life.  
ETR's review of over 600 research studies concludes that Parent Child Connectedness is the "super-protective factor" against adverse outcomes in adolescence. PCC is the single strongest indicator that an adolescent will reach adulthood without experiencing teen pregnancy or violence, without becoming addicted to drugs or tobacco, and without dropping out of high school.